Friday, May 25, 2007

The Dope heads

The long hair some flowing some entangled up

Some tied, in a tail some still in a dump

Like beauty from behind yet covered in beard

To many a fraternity they were truly feared

Like Sufis and saints they would strut

Defiance displayed with too much gut

Not my world to care they would sing

When many a problems to them would bring

Burning away among their finger life was truly high

When awaked from the midst of sleep could hear a sigh

Then again for companionship lit a glowing red

Nay won’t they rise from that distressed bed?

And when challenged by life a time and again

All in a days puff they would mutter

This to all men aged 'twas dismay utter

So their fate painfully to their grave they shall go

But never do they care and question so?

Though sadly as always, that day is life’s race

When men shall depart from here within

And so they shall leave this fateful place

For in remembrance shall remark many "continually high”

Then from deep with in the tomb shall whisper

“Live to dope and dope to die"

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